Does anyone know a victim of James Cantor?

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Does anyone here know a person who had to undergo a phallometric examination at the Kurt Freund Laboratory of the Center for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH; Toronto, Ontario, Canada)? I would be interested in how exactly this person was forced by the authorities to undergo this investigation. What are the consequences if you do not undergo the examination? There are clear statements in the scientific literature for North America and / or Canada (which, however, do not explicitly refer to Toronto), that such phallometric examinations are enforced by the judicial authorities. Prolonged detention is possible if refused.

James Cantor writes in one article ("Sensitivity and Specificity of the Phallometric Test for Hebephilia"):

"All study participants were recruited from the Kurt Freund Laboratory of the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH; Toronto, Ontario, Canada), which provides evaluation services to male patients referred as a result of illegal or clinically significant sexual behaviors or interests. The standard assessment at the Laboratory consists of the phallometric examination of the patients' erotic age and gender preferences, a semi-structured interview of their sexual history and interests, and a review of supplementary psychiatric and legal documents supplied by the referral source. Patients are routinely invited to consent to their clinical data being used for research purposes, forming the cumulative database that supplied the data reported here. All consent procedures and database maintenance are approved and supervised by the Research Ethics Board of CAMH."

Funny. When it comes to his scientific studies, consent to forced examinations is possible. But unfortunately, according to James Cantor, a 14-year-old's voluntary consent to a sexual act with an adult is not possible. Classic double standards. A scientific scandal.

source: 'Does anyone know a victim of James Cantor?' by Filip30;; BoyChat; 30 June 2020