IPCE-16: Difference between revisions

From Brongersma
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[[Category:Edward Brongersma]]
[[Category:Edward Brongersma]]
[[Category:Peter Tatchell]]
[[Category:Peter Tatchell]]
[[Category:Isabelle A.]]
[[Category:Isabella A.]]
[[Category:Agner Fog]]
[[Category:Agner Fog]]
[[Category:Helmut Graupner]]
[[Category:Helmut Graupner]]

Revision as of 22:09, 8 February 2018





Report of the 11th Ipce meeting (p. 3)

Reports from the countries (p. 5)

The Barcelona Manifesto (p. 10)

Zur Notwendigkeit pädophiler Selbsthilfegruppen (p. 12)

Offener Brief an Eltern und Angehörige von Pädophilen (p. 15)

and more

Newsletter as pdf-file: IPCE-16

source: IPCE Newsletter E-4; January 1999