International agenda set at boy-love conference

From Brongersma
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About 30 persons from 15 boy-love/pedophile organizations in eight nations met in Amsterdam from July 13 through July 15, 1989. We met near the house where Anne Frank sought sanctuary from the Nazis. We are grateful that the national Dutch gay and lesbian group COC donated a large room in their headquarters for our three-day meeting. COC has long supported pedophile organizations' right to exist. We thank Vereniging Martijn for financing this year's meeting, inviting the participants and guest speaker, and suggesting the agenda. The on-site lunches were delightfully Dutch and made networking during the lunch hours easy. [...]

Switzerland: Beat Mayer, leader of the Swiss group SAP, was held in prison for 18 months while an investigation was conducted. When he was released, no charges were filed. Punishment in Europe is sometimes carried out in this underhanded way; the government holds activist suspects "on remand" while it "investigates." Release on bail is impossible while the "investigation" is underway. Some of the SAP's records were stolen or thrown away. SAP has disintegrated but Beat is pressing charges for the destruction of SAP's property by the police. Another pedophile group has become modestly active in Switzerland, but it was not represented at this meeting. [...]

Multinational: John DeCecco (Journal of Homosexuality), Theo VanderMeer [van der Meer], Joseph Geraci (Paidika), Jeffrey Weeks (Marxist sociologist) and some editors of other international sex journals started a new international sexology organization. They hope to start an international publication that will be open, among other things, to an honest study of pedophilia. Jeffrey Weeks considers the non-biased study of pedophilia to be on the cutting edge of sexology today. [...]

Representatives from the following organizations attended the International Meeting of Pedophile Organizations in Amsterdam July 13, 14 and 15, 1989: Acolyte Press, Amsterdam; Danish Pedophile Association (ACON), Copenhagen; Dr. Edward Brongersma Foundation; Dr. Fritz [Frits] Bernard Foundation; Fachgruppe Kindersexualitaet und Paedophilie in der Arbeitsgemeinschaft humane Sexualitaet (ahs), Berlin; Gruppo P, Bologna, Italy; KRP2/Project Truth, Paramus, New Jersey; Landelijke Werkgroep Pedofilie of the NVSH, The Hauge; Paedo-Gruppe im Rat und Tat Zentrum, Bremen; Paedophilen Selbsthilfegruppe, Bielefield, West Germany; Paidika: The Journal of Paedophilia, Amsterdam; Pedofila Arbetsgruppen, Stockholm; NAMBLA, North America; Schweizerische Arbeitsgemeinschaft Paedophilie, Zurich; Vereniging Martijn/O.K. Magazine, The Netherlands.

source: Article 'International Agenda Set at Boy-Love Conference' by Ted Bernie; NAMBLA Bulletin, vol. 10, n. 9; November 1989