Book review: Michael Jackson's dangerous liaisons

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Facing criminal charges, [Michael] Jackson settled a civil suit with the family for at least $21 million. Due to Jordie's refusal to cooperate with a criminal investigation, the criminal charges were dropped. Jackson's defenders have insisted that the settlement was extorted by the Chandler's false accusations, but this seems unlikely. Even someone as rich as Jackson would not merely give away $21 million, and the guilty-looking settlement probably cost him much more than that in earnings potential. A desperate attempt by fixer Anthony Pellicano to make Even Chandler sound like an extortionist was unconvincing.

source: Book review 'Michael Jackson's Dangerous Liaisons' by J. Michael Bailey (Department of Psychology, Northwestern University, Evanston, USA); Author of the book: Carl Toms (real name: Tom O'Carroll);; Archives of Sexual Behavior; Published online: 6 October 2011