Texas senator: Sex offenders program not working as intended

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Some experts are raising concerns about Texas' civil committment program for sex offenders, saying it has run afoul of the Constitution, the Houston Chronicle reports.

The program is meant to treat and monitor these offenders, but records apparently show it is nothing more than a "revolving door." New arrivals are ushered in while its present charges are sent to prison, usually on minor rule infractions.

"There's no question to me that they revoked more people when they ran out of beds, so they could continue committing people to the program," said Sen. John Whitmire, D-Houston. "That's absolutely not the way this program was supposed to work."

source: 'Texas senator: Sex offenders program not working as intended' by John-Henry Perera; www.chron.com/news/houston-texas/article/Texas-senator-Sex-offenders-program-not-working-6087523.php; Houston Chronicle; 18 February 2015